BLOG How to maintain your lawn professionally Mar 15, 2023

Are you tired of the same old patchy grass and unruly weeds that keep taking over your lawn? Are you looking for the perfect lawn and don't know how to make it happen? Professional lawn maintenance can help!

It's not as difficult as you might think. With a few simple steps and a little bit of effort, you can create the perfect lawn that you've always wanted. Here are some tips to get you started.

1. Start with a healthy soil base. Most lawns need a soil test to determine the right nutrients needed to keep it healthy. If your soil is deficient in any nutrient, you should consider adding fertilizer to your lawn. Soil tests can also be used to determine if the pH level is too high or low. Adjusting the pH of your soil is an important part of having a healthy lawn.

2. Water your lawn properly. It's important to water your lawn evenly, without creating standing puddles or dry patches. It's also important to water deeply, as this encourages deeper rooting and a healthier lawn. If you live in an area with regular rainfall, it's often best to wait for natural rainfall to water your lawn.

3. Mow properly. Avoid scalping your lawn, as this can make it vulnerable to disease. Set the mower blade higher to encourage healthier growth. Mow at the highest recommended setting for your grass type.

4. Aerate your lawn. Aeration is a process of removing small cores of soil from your lawn. This helps to reduce compaction, so water, air and nutrients can penetrate the soil. It also helps to reduce thatch, which is the layer of dead grass that builds up on top of the soil.

5. Get rid of weeds. Weeds compete with grass for nutrients and water, so it's important to remove them quickly. Hand-pulling is often the best way to prevent weeds from spreading. For large patches, you can use a pre-emergent herbicide.

6. Fertilize. Fertilizing your lawn helps to provide it with the essential nutrients it needs to stay healthy. The amount of fertilizer needed will depend on the type of grass you have and the local climate.

7. Use disease-resistant grasses. There are several types of grass that are naturally disease-resistant. These types of grasses can help to keep your lawn healthy and beautiful.

With these tips, you can maintain your lawn professionally and have the perfect lawn you've always wanted. It's not as hard as you might think, and with just a little bit of effort, you can have a healthy, beautiful lawn.

Ready to get started?

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